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Interview with TALCO (IT)


Talco is a band which is getting bigger and bigger every year. Bands like Talco show to the world that good music is not just made in the US and that good quality bands are everywhere. This band has been compared with Ska-p and Voodoo glow skulls and I agree 100% because the show they offered in Vienna was a real Ska/punk show where every single soul in the room were dancing like there is no tomorrow. 

By: Miguel Guinness.

So what Talco means and why that name?
Nic: Talco is a funny word, I mean talco is powder and we kept the name because at the beginning we were playing funny ska music or classic ska music and so we had this name which didn’t have any sense, it was just for fun and then we grew up and we got more political but we still kept the name, people knew us already with that name so it was no reason to change it and we were too lazy to get us a different name.
Which bands are your main influences?
Nic: We listen to Manu Chao, Mano negra and a lot of patchanka things and bands like Dropkick Murphy´s, Ska-p and other punk ska bands and some metal bands too. We are influenced too by Italian composers from the 70´s they were more like poets, musical poetry.
All your fans who don’t speak Italian would like to know which topics you write about?
Nic: Most of them are about the political situation in Italy and also about historical facts that happened in the past, we all think in the band that we must learn about history to prevent mistakes in the future, so we speak about Salvador Allende and some other coups in Chile, and for example in our second CD we talk about the left wing in Italy, because we don’t like the left wing in Italy because they don’t care about the right wing things and we don’t like the right wing neither so basically we don’t like anything haha.
Talco is getting bigger every year, is something that you were expecting or everything came in a sudden?
Nic: Actually we just played what we liked and now is just the singer and me the original members of the band, I don’t think we were thinking about the future we just kept playing and as we grew up we noticed that other bands were quitting and then is when we realized that we were still there and after 3 years things started to get better but we didn’t think to get big or to go somewhere it just came to us.
I was reading in a few forums in the web and there were so many topics mentioning you as the Italian version of Ska-p, do you like to be recognized like that?
Nic: That’s cool, I think that one of the reasons is that in Italy or I don’t know if in other countries as well, but in Italy Ska-p arrived through the internet and that’s the thing that happened to us as well, we played in a club in Serbia and the show was sold out 1 week before, was something that we never expected because we never sold a CD there before but you know now we have myspace, facebook and that made people come to the show, and maybe they compare us with Ska-p because they have a powerful show, when I was young I used to go to a lot of Ska-p shows and I was dancing the whole show.
From “Tutti asoltti” to “Mazel Tov” which differences you can identify in your sound?
Nic: Tutti asoltti, was the material we did in our 2 first years and you can hear the differences in the sound because the first was recorded from 2001 to 2002 and even there you can hear it changes a lot(the sound) and afterwards we started to realize our very own sound, and I think that we don’t play Ska we like to call it PATCHANKA and that´s because we like to mix everything like Italian folk music, ska, punk, and everything together is very punky, very fast and we like it like that, we don’t like original ska bands they are too happy and too slow.
Are there some plans for a new CD this year?
Nic: Yeah, we will start to record at the end of this month, we just finished the previous release and the CD is coming out in September and is going to be our fourth album with 13 songs and well I can´t say more about it.
Any plans to tour Latin America?
Nic: We would like to, even we were planning something but to go there is not easy at all if you don’t have contacts, we need to plan a tour and to get in touch with good contacts, we heard about some bands who go there and they got robbed they were promised to get some money and at the end they didn’t get anything of that money. But well we would love to we have a lot of fans who write us emails telling us to go there, but we will be there sooner or later.
What are you looking forward for the next months, years, etc.?
Nic: We want a good promotion for our next release, because the last 2 releases were only through internet for the next CD we had to change our label now we are in a bigger label called destiny records from Berlin and this was a big goal for us and they are really big and I´m sure they already started with something, and we would like to play in some other countries like Austria for example, but we would like to go to Czech Republic and wherever is possible.
Any shout outs?
Nic: Just enjoy the show, we have 3 cool shows this weekend so I hope people like it and thanks for the interview.
Mp3, videos and more info here: http://www.myspace.com/talcopatchanka

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