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Interview with CANCER BATS


Honestly I have never been a fan of this band and honestly I just heard 2 or 3 songs on their myspace site, but I must confess that I liked their sound so much, that I felt in the need to buy their last CD. The interview was with Liam the singer of the band and the responsible to be friends with every single punk band in the world, he talked about their upcoming release and about his thoughts about the punk/hardcore scene.

By: Miguel Guinness
How is this all Canadian tour doing??
Liam: It´s awesome!! The fact that all the bands are from the same area like around Toronto, so it´s really local like for all of us, we know each other for a long time like I know the SILVERSTEIN guys like for 10 years when they started so it´s cool to make a big tour and hang out with them and the BILLY TALENT guys we toured the U.S with them so we are good friends of them already.
When do you think was the moment when the CANCER BATS stepped up to be in an international level, like you are now??
Liam: I don’t know really, we started like full time touring and like we were saying before it was ALEXISONFIRE and COMEBACK KID those were the guys who convinced us that is not really that hard to tour. ALEXISONFIRE took us on tour like in 2006 and since then we have been coming to England and parts in Europe, this is our 6th time in Europe and in the U.K. We definitely tour a lot.
Do you believe that is still important to succeed in the U.S. to become really big in the music scene?
Liam: I feel like succeeding in the U.S. is like the hardest thing in the world, it seems like everywhere else in the world people are more welcoming like for foreign bands and in the U.S. they don’t need to look anywhere else, there are so many bands like for us is better to come to Austria and rather go anywhere else in the world because there is no real reason to go to the U.S. , we still tour there and have fans there but for example even BILLY TALENT when play there they just play in front of 500 people and here in Europe in front of 5000 so for me is like Americans just don’t get it. So why bother? Why waste your time? And here is so much culture, so much good food and people are friendlier here so I rather to go anywhere else and have a good time.
Why do you think some bands refuse to be on MTV or get in to a mainstream scene??
Liam: Well I don’t know there are some bands which are really want to be just part of their community and don’t really look to go outside of that. I mean for our band we never had problems for definitions of what we would do, we rather play shows just for everyone, I think because we are into a lot of kinds of music, like we love to play shows with BILLY TALENT but at the same time to play a punk rock show in a basement. Like with hardcore bands, we don’t really fill in everywhere so we like to play everywhere, so we don’t like to bind ourselves to a thing.
So many people describe your style as hardcore, others as heavy metal, others death punk and so on… so please would you clarify this issue for us??
Liam: (laughs) I think we are a hardcore band, more like hardcore and punk in spirit, because of the way we are and the way we like to interact with people, get close to the persons who come to our shows, we like to do that, so that’s what I think is an important part of the hardcore scene, but we definitely have heavy metal elements, punk rock elements and hardcore elements when we play so as far of the music itself we are definitely all over the place, I like death punk as well, sounds evil (laughs).
How did you get to be so good friends with so many bands??
Liam: Yeah we made a lot of friends, I like that a lot of bands mention us, they are all rad dudes so for us is pretty easy to get along with everyone, I think anyway that all the people who play in bands are really friendly anyway so for us is easy to make friends.
When is your new release coming out??
Liam: Should be ready at mid April 2010 worldwide, the name is going to be Bears, Mayors, Scraps and Bones. The sound is going to be like Hail destroyer but of course some new elements too you have to progress in every CD, but you know is hardcore so is just about fast and faster parts and with some punk elements too so we try to mix and push what we already created in the past, the new thing is that Jason our bass player will sing a lot in the record so it´s not going to be just my voice and bunch of guest singers this time.
For the CANCER BATS what is more important in your songs, the music or the lyrics??
Liam: Is mainly the music first then we put the lyrics and everything over top, that´s a thing that I´m really trying to work in, that even I´m yelling and screaming that everyone can still understand like what I´m saying, because it takes a long time in writing the lyrics and I hate that people don’t get what the song´s point is, so for me is really important to get all that through as well.
What do you think about bands which simply don’t want to talk or get along with fans?? And I´m talking about bands related in our scenes.
Liam: I don’t know is something that I will never understand and I mean is obviously like different people but for me, I mean is one of the reasons that I love to be part of a punk community, because when I was a kid it wasn’t any difference between the singer and the crowd, in most of the cases there weren’t stages or things like that, so everyone was just hanging together interacting and stuff. That’s why when we play shows we like to hang out with people and have this interaction but well like today there are like barricades and big stage but definitely after the show we will hang out with the people.

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